1. The ProSim forum: The forum (https://forum.prosim-ar.com/) is operated and maintained by ProSim Training Solutions B.V. (hereinafter: ProSim) and is open to registered non-commercial customers only who legally obtained a user licence to one of the ProSim software products. People on trial licences are provided forum access on an individual basis only.
2. What is the purpose of the forum? First and foremost, the forum is not a first point of contact for customer support. Subsequently, the normal procedure is to contact ProSim directly via email enquiries to support@prosim-ar.com or use the support ticketing system: https://prosim.atlassian.net/servicedes ... 1/create/1
The main purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for the ProSim community of cockpit builders to help each other, mainly with their software configuration. ProSim staff will only provide assistance if time allows.
General discussions are obviously allowed on the topic of flight simulation and cockpit-building, also on general aviation topics, but these will only be moderated by ProSim and not invoked as such.
3. Access to the ProSim forum: The ProSim software user’s access to this forum is not a right. Access may be allowed following the purchase of a user licence to one of the ProSim products under the applicable Terms and Conditions. Forum access is provided under these Rules of Etiquette.
Failure to abide by the Rules of Etiquette will result in the removal of access to the Forum. ProSim reserves the right to remove or ban a member at any time, based solely on the judgement of ProSim and what deems to be in the best interests of ProSim, their partners and the forum community.
4. Writing a post: When starting a new topic, refer to a ‘subject’ that describes the essence of the post rather than generic references, for example, ‘I have a question..,’ ‘Would it be possible to..’ or ‘I need some help!’ By using an actual subject line, this will attract the attention of other knowledgeable members able to help. In turn, this makes it easier for future members with familiar questions to lookup answers. Describe your situation as much as possible referring to setup and specifics. Also, read the text and check before posting to avoid assumptions and jumping to conclusions that easily lead to mistakes.
5. Posting a message: Pay particular attention to posting in the right sub forum and do not cross post.
6. What can be asked the forum? Provided the Rules of Etiquette are followed, almost anything may be asked in the forum. Note, a support ticket must be raised to request fixes or features.
7. Freedom of speech: Due to the ProSim forum Rules of Etiquette, of which are agreed by every member, free speech does not mean, for example, libel or hate speech can be written.
8. Threats and intimidation of staff and members: The ProSim forum is operated by employees of ProSim and volunteers. Any harassment, threats, or other objectionable behaviour toward them or fellow community members, will not be tolerated and will immediately result in cease of access. Show respect at all times.
9. Personal conduct: Your acts and words on his forum will not, in any way, infringe upon others enjoyment of this forum. Any acts of bigotry, profanity, or disregard for what is reasonably considered to be social ‘norms’, will result in cease of access. If in doubt, contact ProSim before anything that could be offensive is posted. This clause also includes and refers to any material or language that ProSim consider to be inflammatory and intended to do no more than elicit controversy and division.
10. Sign your posts: It is mandatory to sign your posts with your real full name. If you require help, it is polite to use full names during any contact. Nicknames can be used for continuity, but real names should also be signed. The easiest option to ensure compliance is to set your signature in the forum profile options.
11. Forum moderation: The forum is fully moderated, though, your posts will not require approval before they can be seen by others. Post messages only when you are certain the content is according to the forum Rules of Etiquette.
12. No professional commercial advertisements: As ProSim is the facilitator of the forum, responsibility is not taken for any private exchange deals - home produced series of a knob, panel or PCB - between members in the hardware marketplace.
13. Opinion and judgement about ProSim: The forum is not a place to generally express personal opinions on what the company is doing or serving. Only general opinions may be of interest concerning purchased software. In addition, should a post be deemed offensive, contact ProSim for removal. ProSim is responsible for any final judgement.
14. Image uploads: For your convenience, we do not limit attachments to size or file type, however, do not upload images or other data in which parties, other than yourself, own the copyright.
15. Identifying and verifying software or hardware issues: Should you experience any software issues, instead of raising a support ticket, firstly check your own setup and then seek the forum for solutions or ask other members if similar issues have been experienced.
Often issues are dependent on specific setups of hardware and not necessarily related to the ProSim software. If you feel strongly that issue may be related to ProSim software, then please raise a support ticket.
16. Real-world pilots: Within ProSim real-world pilots are employed and incorporate their knowledge and expertise in a daily basis in the development of ProSim software. ProSim fully appreciates the knowledge and opinions of other pilots from around the world. Due to the amount of different variations within aircraft types and different procedures within airlines, as a result, not all specific feedback from pilots will be incorporated in the ProSim software.
17. Comparisons with other products: In the forum, please do not compare ProSim to other vendor’s solutions, as products and applications vary. In addition, real aircraft are being simulated, ProSim is not simulating other parties’ simulation software. Do not refer to other parties’ software simulation implementations as being the truth. Statements and comparisons referring to different vendor’s products may be moderated or removed.
18. Inactivity: Forum members that are not verified as ProSim licensees and who have not logged in to the forum for greater than twelve months may have their accounts suspended.
19. Privacy protection: No postings of any users shall be shared or quoted outside of this forum or the ProSim organisation without written consent of the original posting member.
20. Disclaimer: ProSim solely facilitates the forum and can never be held responsible for its content.
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- 29 Dec 2022, 08:46
- Forum: Forum rules and usage guidelines
- Topic: Rules of Etiquette
- Replies: 0
- Views: 29019